I.C.E.P.C Vision
The primary scriptural doctrine, which we call I.C.E.P.C apart from other religious groups today; is that we all have place in Gods plan, and we all have strength through salvation, and through the blood of Jesus Christ.
- To maintain a biblical-based ministry that is constant in doctrine, fellowship, love, breaking bread, and grace.
- To teach about the bright hope of Christ's return.
- Serving members in general and the church particularly in matters of justice and peace; by assisting vulnerable groups.
- To train and send out the missionaries to the other countries.
CEPC Partnership
We are working with other churches and ministries which have the vision and goal like us.
- Praying for the church teams.
- Support the pastoral, social or administrative team in the church.
- You can personally volunteer in one of the areas of ministry.
- You can donate Christian literature, e.g. bibles, evangelistic media.
- We welcome suggestion and any assistance and support either by way of material or financial contribution. This can be in the form of a onetime gift or donation.
- Volunteering services or moral support for one of our church departments.
- Our fellowship is blind to race, sex, political affairs and social position. We always care for our members and friends. We are interested to link our church both yours and ours, and we request for brothers and sisters to come and join I.C.E.P.C fellowships where we see God's love, blessing, and healing at its best.